3rd Transnational Arts4All Project Meeting in Düren (19/20 April 2023)

In the final phase of the project, the third and final project meeting took place on 19 and 20 April in Düren / Germany. This meeting was linked to the International Conference / Multiplier Event, which also took place on 19 April in Düren with the participation of all project partners.

Towards the end of the project, the partners looked back on the successful course of the project and agreed on the remaining tasks and work packages. Overall, the partners summed up that all project goals and results had been successfully completed. These included in particularly the Arts4All curriculum and the mobile tool (based on an online learning platform) with its Open Badges.

Other important topics discussed during the meeting were the multiplier events in the partner countries, the piloting of the online learning platform, and the preparation for the Arts4All final report.  All partners were very satisfied with the results of the meeting and concluded that the project was very successful, even though Corona affected the start and the first steps of the project.