A requirement for the completion of the Arts4All e-learning platform was the piloting with the target group (young people) in all partner countries. During these test runs, it was checked whether all language versions were complete and comprehensible, whether all functions and links of the platform worked properly and, of course, whether the young people liked the platform (choice of topics, exercises and the layout). In a questionnaire, the participants gave feedback on these topics, which was evaluated by the partners. Overall, the participants were very satisfied with the e-learning platform and there were only minor suggestions for improvement and indications of malfunctions, which were then taken into account in the final optimisation of the platform. A total of 4 piloting sessions took place in the partner countries with a total of 59 participants. The e-learning platform is the basis for the mobile application of the three Arts4All modules on smartphones.

In the final phase of the Arts4All project, the International ProjectConference, combined with a local multiplier event, took place on 19 April2023. In order to present the project to the public and to disseminate itsresults, the Sozialwerk Dürener Christen as lead partner had invitedrepresentatives of all 5 European partner organisations to Düren /Germany!
With the support of simultaneous interpreters, the partners presentedthe objectives, results and products of Arts4All to the experts audience /multipliers. A special highlight were 2 practical demonstrations from themodules “Music” and “Visual Arts” with a large group of youngparticipants from projects of the Sozialwerk Dürener Christen.
Multipliers as well as participants were impressed by the possibilities ofthe simple and effective implementation of the exercises.
The modules are available free of charge on the project website https://arts-4-all.eu/ for all interested parties.
The piloting of the electronic learning platform is currently underway andwill also be accessible via the website at the end of the project.
You will soon find our first event here.