2nd Arts4All Newsletter
The Arts4All Curriculum
– a central milestone of the project –
After a phase of intensive development work, the project partners wereable to successfully complete and present the Arts4All curriculum!
The curriculum with its three modules “Music”, “Theatre” and “VisualArts” is the central product of the project. It forms the basis for socialworkers, art teachers, lecturers, etc. to apply the art modules in theirpractical work, especially with disadvantaged young people. In addition,the modules form the basis for building the electronic learning platformthat is currently being developed by the project partners.
All three modules are divided into learning units and practical exercisesfor applying and reviewing what has been learned. In order to apply themodules effectively in practice, the curriculum is supplemented by anintroduction to working with the modules and a manual for practicalapplication.
All components of the curriculum are now available for free downloadon the project website arts-4-all.eu for all those interested in theproject.
We cordially invite all interested persons to visit our website and try outthe modules in their practice